6933600 - The Rugby Town
Queen's Diamond Jubilee Centre
A gym with state-of-the-art Technogym equipment and fitness studios offering various fitness classes. A modern 8 lane swimming pool, suitable for regional competitions and a studio teaching pool with a moveable floor providing the perfect conditions for children of all ages and abilities to learn how to swim. Also, a 9m high x 13m wide feature climbing wall and a six court sports hall. There's spaces suitable for dance classes and martial arts. A coffee shop, open to non-centre users. A brand-new Soft Play and dedicated party rooms. The Centre also has an athletics track available for clubs and members to use as part of their membership. Opening times: Monday to Friday 06:30 - 22:00 Saturday 08:00 - 17:00 Sunday 08:00 - 18:00 Located just a short walk from Rugby town centre. From Clifton road, turn right into Whitehall road and go across the roundabout. The Leisure Centre is situated at the bottom of Bruce Williams way.
Varies depending on activity and time
No dogs allowed
01788 565369
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