6967611 - The Rugby Town
Kenilworth Castle
Don't miss the chance to re-discover Kenilworth Castle - one of England's finest and most extensive castle ruins. The recently completed Elizabethan Garden is the final part of a multi-million pound investment project which has transformed the site into a firm favourite with groups. Kenilworth Castle has a past rich in famous historical names and is associated with King John, Henry V and Henry VII, not to mention the Royal love story between Elizabeth I and her favourite, Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Famously, Robert Dudley transformed the castle into a luxurious palace with a fine garden at a time when he still hoped to marry Queen Elizabeth I. Like the queen in 1575, visitors can now marvel at the extravagant garden Dudley created to woo and impress her. Lovingly brought back to life with its arbours, towering fountain and bejewelled aviary, it presents the most complete impression of an Elizabethan garden anywhere in the world. An exhibition in the fully restored Leicester's Gatehouse tells the story of Lord Dudley's unrequited love for a queen that would never be his. A further exhibition in the Tudor Stables allows you to explore the 900 year history of the castle, whilst the recently refurbished castle tearoom serves the finest local produce and the well stocked shop provides great value souvenirs. Experience a fascinating journey back through time, take in the stunning countryside views and relax in the castle tea room. The castle's extensive grounds can offer a beautiful backdrop for your corporate event - such as family fun days with a medieval theme.
Adults - £9, Children (5-15) - £5.40, Concessions - £8.10, Family (2+3) £23.40
Dogs allowed
01926 852078
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